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Planning Your Future

What is Estate Planning?

Estate planning is creating a set of legal instructions (a legal rule book) designed to help you take control of your future.

A good plan does three things. It:

1. Keeps you in CONTROL of your property while you are healthy,
2. PROTECTS your assets if you become disabled, and finally
3. Clearly states your instructions to GIVE WHAT you want / to WHOM you want / HOW and WHEN you want;

all while saving unnecessary taxes, administrative costs and other expenses.

The more things we acquire, and the more people who are dependent on us for support, the more complicated life seems to be.  Life is complicated, but planning doesn't have to be. At Breshears Law we guide our clients through a time-tested and trusted planning process. We make the process simple, and we always tailor solutions that meet your needs, right where you are.  Whether your needs are simple, somewhat more complicated, or you have a complex taxable estate, we have solutions designed with your circumstances in mind.

Would you like to know more?

Click on any of the following buttons to learn more about some of the most common questions we hear every day at Breshears Law, and the levels of planning available to choose.



Are You Living A Simpler Life? 

This plan type may be ideal for you if:

  • Your family life, mix of assets, and needs are genuinely simple
  • You don't want or need a complex estate planning process  
  • But you don't want to risk your future on a one-size-fits-all, generic form set that you fill out yourself, knowing that the online forms are lack specific instructions because it's got to work for Texans, New Yorkers, and Californians alike - states with very different estate, probate, and tax laws. 

If the simple life describes you, then we have a simple solution for you.  Your own, personal PlanVault.

PlanVault - online. automated. private. secure - your PlanVault.

A secure private client portal containing a menu of simpler solutions every Texan needs, which you can order and pay for online, and receive a full set of estate planning documents you need - prepared for you by our estate planning attorney - all from the comfort of home.

PlanVault is coming in early 2022, because at Breshears Law we believe every Texan needs and deserves sound estate plan documents anyone can trust; documents prepared by an experienced, trusted, estate planning attorney, not by them, their spouse or tech savvy child.

From our PlanVault, you can choose the simple plan documents that fit your needs today:

    1. Just getting started? You're young, single, an adult, still in school or just finished. No property to speak of yet. Still looking for that special someone to do life with and start a family. You just need protection from the risk of injury or serious illness.  Your Solution? a starter plan:
      EssentialToolBox. A full set of powers of attorney, giving to the persons you trust the legal authority to manage your property and your healthcare, if you can't. The ToolBox also contains simple language you can copy in your own handwriting to create a valid Texas holographic Will

    2. In Growth Mode?  You're young, married, looking forward to starting a family. You've purchased your home and started your career. You need to graduate to your first attorney-prepared plan. The Solution?: a growth plan:
      HomeSafeA simple Last Will and Testament, supported by the complete set of powers of attorney from the LockBox, and more; advanced Directives (sometimes called a "Living Will"), and HIPAA Privacy Authorizations to allow your doctors to communicate with your family.

    3. Established, but Still Living a Simple Life?  You're a bit older and more advanced. You've acquired a modest estate - a home, some savings and/or retirement nest egg - but you don't want to waste any money or time settling your estate in the probate courts. You either have no children or your children are grown and gone, stable and healthy, in no obvious need of protection. Your Solution? To avoid the delay and cost of probate, the
      HomeVault. A simple and flexible Trust Agreement, supported by all of the legal documents available from the LockBox and HomeSafe. Your Trust is fully revocable and you can amend it at any time. So you're in complete control of everything in it. 

Are Your Needs More Complex? 

Our tried, true, and more comprehensive planning process is available to anyone who knows their circumstances aren't entirely simple, and who prefer to meet face to face with an experienced estate planning attorney, to talk through options to properly address each challenge and head off unexpected problems.

While planning doesn't need to be complicated to be thorough, you should expect your attorney to clearly explain —

  • all of your planning options,
  • the real costs associated with each one, and
  • the risks you and your family face as you consider an uncertain future and the reality that life will change.

Make no mistake, there are risks in life.  And the consequences increase dramatically if we fail to plan, or fail to plan with the guidance of dedicated estate planning counsel.

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